All students in MSQ have to do 40 clinic hours in school and 100 outside of school before our Certificate 4 graduation 14th January. Now that we have completed our first part of the course, the anatomy & physiology and Swedish massage, we have started working in the clinic weekly. Basically this means that anybody can call the school and make an appointment for a massage given by the students (at a reasonable price of course). This is very good practice for the clients are “real people” that we are going to be working with in our future practice. The clients are also obligated to fill in an assessment form after each treatment which gives us therapists feed back for our treatment.
On 27th September me, Rhona, Lena and Kerry went to the Arts Center to see another preview of a play called The good doctor. It was a hilarious play performed by 6 talented young actors and actresses. Can’t remember when I’ve laughed that much during a play, probably never :D
A few old school posters/postcards.
30th September we had a First Aid course in school which basically made us qualified first aiders. Let’s hope I never have to use my talent though :)
Australia has 3 different “footballs”. AFL (Australian football league), rugby and cricket. After 2 months I still don’t know the difference between these and I couldn’t be bothered to find out either :D But I can still go to a related-party, right?
1st October was the AFL finals and footie fans nationwide gathered their gang to watch the game on telly. Our family was invited to a house-BBQ-drink-watch-the-game-and-play-pool-and-darts- kinda party. The party lasted all day and night, including betting on the game (I bet even though I didn’t even know who was playing...but my team WON :P), multiple games of pool and for some reason I ended up working behind the bar making drinks to minors...
The party started with beer and cheese tasting...
View from the party venue.
Rhona in her AFL fan-shirt.
Buffet :)
Kerry playing pool.
Rhona trying to play the didgeridoo :D (aboriginal instrument).
Popular Aussie beer.
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