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My name is Ninni. I'm from Helsinki, Finland and decided to move across the seas to explore the wonders of The Gold Coast, Australia. This is my story...

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Monday, November 7, 2011


7th October
Ida, Swedish girl in my class, had a spare bike lying in her garage and she was kind enough to borrow it to me (until I move to another country, that is). I can finally move around quickly and smoothly without having to wait for buses that take forever and are always late!! And it’s great exercise going to school and back every day (12 km). Tack ska du ha, Ida!! 

My classmates Niki “Bubbles” Burton (Kiwi, which is a nickname for New Zeelanders, comes from a NZ bird, for you Finns who didn’t know), Eri (the crazy Japanese who made us drink shots with straws) and Carolyn (giggles) decided to hit the Gold Coast night life. Niki’s friend Felicity joined us as well. Since me and Eri are new to the GC, Niki thought it would be easy to meat at the Mermaid Tavern, a 2 story, quite laid back bar with live music on both levels. The tavern closed early so we continued to a bar in Broadbeach. Which was really random...And SOMEBODY spilled something red and liquid into my bag. Anyway, we had a lot of fun, thank’s girls! 
FYI (mum, that’s short for For Your Information) All the bouncers here are Kiwi’s or Mauri’s and they’re HUGE and look really mean. Finnish bouncers would cry next to them.

9th October
MSQ has been participating in an annual Brisbane to Gold Coast cycling event for years. Every year a bunch of massage students from the school get the opportunity to go and practice massage on the participating cyclists as they one after the other cross the finish line in Southport. This year there were 12 students from my class, including myself. It was a great experience, we all had a lot of fun and as if that wasn't enough we also got paid for being there! And free working shirts and lunch.

13th October
It was time for another pre-viewing at the Art's Center. This time we saw a spectacular one woman show called "The blonde, the brunette and the vengeful redhead" starring an award winning actress, Monette Lee. She played a 2 hour show with 7 characters with 7 perspectives on one single event. Amazing talent!

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